-Monday, September 20, 2010 ' 2:28 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
-Monday, March 15, 2010 ' 12:19 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
Really really long since i’ve posted.
Today have math remedial from 8, but end up late by 50mins. Luckily im smart enough that i understand almost everything Joel Teo had taught in last 50mins.
I'm eighteen. Yesterday, my mum asked me to help her to buy 4D. When i reach the counter there, the lady at first gave me a suspicious look, but maybe i looks abit serious, she then proceeds to print out my numbers. It's my first time eh hahhah.
Seriously, I’m really tired. Over the past few weeks and months, my parents have been giving me lots pressure to study hard, i figure they wanting me to go to some nerdy schools. CT1 supposed to be a good one, all As except for english(B3), but the shit thing is that my Emath failed, so they'r really unhappy about it. So sad. I’m starting to be scared as shit. I sound so, screwed up eh?
My life has always been revolving about, MUGGING. I think.
Okay, today while i was walking home, i have an really authentic sad feeling. Something I’ve experienced in school these past few weeks that made me feel inferior and whatsoever I suppose. I find myself becoming stupider recently, too.
I’m having a little sore throat right now. Oh well. I need to drink some cooling tea or somesort.
Okay anyways, it’s about time I end here. I need to set myself straight cause my mind isn’t at here this moment. Pre-O-lvl Syndrome eh?
So well. that’s about it. Byebye(;Labels: yeh-nah-ber-nah-nah.
-Friday, February 12, 2010 ' 7:45 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
Happy Lunar New Year!!! O;Labels: A fall.
-Monday, January 25, 2010 ' 4:52 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
I’m eighteen. From the last few posts, u realised i tell myself that i need to control my emotions better. Not quite, not at all. It’s not better, at least I don’t think so.
I realise i need to interact more. But there’s no one anymore i can talk to. Hahah. Well there’s God, but He doesn’t reply, I’m still waiting for Him, hopefully He’ll reply me tonight.. Hopefully.
Somehow i wasted my eighteenth birthday. Perhaps i should go read the bible now to rid my heart of such a disappointment. That would make my last few hours of my birthday meaningful. Life. Meaningful. Hahah.
So anyways, happy birthday, kid.
or maybe, just, birthday, boy.Labels: But everytime yu come too close,i moved away.
-Saturday, January 16, 2010 ' 11:26 AM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
90后的我们,退去青春年幼的稚嫩,开始适应社会大家庭... :DLabels: 愕然发现.
-Tuesday, December 22, 2009 ' 12:48 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
Merry Christmasss! 0,=
Labels: 摇啊摇,不见外婆的桥..
-Saturday, December 19, 2009 ' 9:16 AM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
对的时间遇见对的人 是一生幸福对的时间遇见错的人 是一场心痛错的时间遇见错的人 是一段荒唐错的时间遇见对的人 是一生叹息..Labels: 人生如戏,戏如人生.
-Saturday, December 12, 2009 ' 12:09 AM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
All alone in an empty room
Nothing left but the memories of when I had my best frIend
I don't know how we ended up here
I don't know but it's never been so clear
We made a mistake, dear.
And I see the broken glass in front of me
I see your shadow hangIng over me
and your face, I can see...
Through the trees
I wIll find you;
I wIll heal the ruins left inside you
cuz I'm stIll here breathing now...
I'm still here breathing now...
I'm still here breathIng now...
untIl I'm set free.
Go quiet through the trees
I remember how we used to talk
about the places we would go when we were off
and all that we were gonna find.
And I remember our seeds grow
and how you cried when you saw
the first leaves show.
The love was pouring from your eyes.
So can you see
the branches hanging over me?
Can you see
the love you left inside of me?
in my face
can you see?
Through the trees
I will find you;
I will heal the ruins left inside you.
Cuz I'm still here breathing now
I'm still here breathing now...
I'm still here breathing now...
until I'm set free.
Go quiet through the trees.
Cuz you're not coming back
And you're not coming back
No-oo.. No-oo.. No
You're not coming back...
You're not coming back...
Take my breath as your own
Take my eyes to guide you home
Cuz I'm still here breathing now...
I'm still here breathing now...
I'm still here breathing now...
And I'm still here..
But you're not coming back.
And you're not coming back.
Cuz you're not coming back
until I'm set free
Go quiet through the trees.
ps: Time to go sleep now. Happy 12/12/09, 12:12am(;Labels: Wake up Gaopeng.
-Wednesday, November 04, 2009 ' 9:35 AM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
但面对爱情, 我还很笨拙. 只是很多想你的慌乱情绪, 在一个个恍惚的瞬间沉没了.Labels: 你的心里对我有多认真,何必执着在我的部分.
-Friday, October 16, 2009 ' 7:48 AM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
The Eoys are over, but I’ve been rather busy and lazy to post. To think I’m still busy, that’s life i think. You can never finish doing everything.
In any case, Eoy hell-like period is horrible i guess, can’t really remember anything else at the moment, I think I should post everyday to prevent myself from forgetting nice things. I want to type, sadly such leisure is not a privilege for me right now.
Seriously, I’m really tired. Eight subjs made people crazy. Sometimes I think if one could just stop thinking on all things for just a second, how wonderful would that be? That’s where drugs come in i guess. So yes, I’m praying really hard for Eoys, though it was already over. I figure that’s what my life has been revolving about, MUGGING.
Oh ya, going for the sec3 camp next tuesday. Be honest to say, I'm not really looking forward to it though. I guess it would be really boring, meaningless and pointless to stay there, with not many nice and close friends around you. I hope my legs will'nt infested with mosquito bites after it. x< Yeah okay that’s a quite stupid assumption to make.
I suppose I have said enough. I need to go enjoy what’s left of my sleep, ever since the start of Eoys. So well. that’s about it. Bye.
Labels: It would’ve hurt less if we didn’t meet at all.
-Saturday, September 19, 2009 ' 12:24 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
Bye Blogger, See you after EoYs.Labels: 别人的天长地久.
-Tuesday, September 01, 2009 ' 5:17 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
Can't wait for the CTs to be over. Now, it's already over and actually got back some papers.
H.Chinese: 45/50
E.History: 13/18
Chemistry: 34/45 <:(my 1st time get a1 in a major exam)
E.Math: 32/35
SS: *failed* >:(damn sad over ss)
A.Math: 26/35 >:(my mum surely scold me to hell, it's so bad and sad)
Physics: 39/45
English: Pass >:(sad eh, still not see any improvement)
C.Geog: 20/25
Labels: Downcast-Depressed.
-Monday, August 31, 2009 ' 10:56 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
Hello! Isn't my hair quite long? o.o""
Yesterdae my father bring me and my brother to eat @ Jurongpoint, then one uncle ask my father that: "is this your daughter?" while he pointing at my brother! Lol, he thought my brother is a girl! How can it be?! Ahaha.
Labels: This Christmas..
- ' 4:54 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
If Everyone Cared
And Nobody Cried
If Everyone Loved
And Nobody Lied
If Everyone Shared
And Swallowed Their Pride
We Might See The Day
That Nobody Died
p/s: Struggling with MeaninglessnessLabels: I,a hopeless romantic.
-Sunday, July 26, 2009 ' 2:06 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
(; 如果, 我想你了.
如果我想你了,我会把目光投到很远的地方, 却不知道在想些什么……
如果我想你了,晚上做梦也做到了朦胧的你。我会不愿意醒过来, 只是害怕,梦一醒,你会离开…
我想. 我已经上瘾了. 戒不掉的, 想念你~
Labels: 摇啊摇,不见外婆的桥..
-Saturday, July 25, 2009 ' 7:53 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love

<<<3 =.= Likai accidentally took this above pict during the hike and he thinks this is a Godly pict of me. Cool. Although not nice lah.
CIP today @ Mt Faber Herderson Waves with the MINDS people. Seriously I’m tired.
Mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally. I sound so screwed up eh?
Felt a mixture of melancholy, distress and loss as I walked home today. Don't exactly know what's the reason. In any case, I think today's activity was an experience for me. Learn how to cheer others up, learn how to communicate with the mentally disabled people. Although I am in an extremely bad mood today. Ya.
Manage to find some fun-ness with ms Er, she accompanied me for quite a long time during the tedious hike. Then, my buddy that duper energetic and entertaining guy keep on saying that ms Er like him and even ask ms Er if he could kiss her or not. heheh. Ms Er then told him that "kiss cannot, touch also cannot, you must think very "clean". Okay? "
So well. that’s roughly about it. Again, I shall cheer myself up.Labels: 赌气..
-Thursday, July 23, 2009 ' 4:11 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
茫茫网海,一个“缘”字,你我相遇; 来来往往,一个“真”字,你我相识; 平平常常,一个“诚”字,你我相知; 风风雨雨,一个“心”字,你我相通: 春夏秋冬,一个“友”字,你我相惜; 漫漫旅途,一个“乐”字,你我共享.Labels: Tired of everything.
-Friday, July 17, 2009 ' 4:26 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
Originally I planned to go watch Harry.P. with all of my "gang members" after sch today, but then juz be4 i leave sch, i called my mum to ask 4 her permission.(which i always does whenever i wanna go watch movie wif frz) It turned out to be that my mum didnt allow mi to go, cos she say i have to finish the first topic of the practices qns of the Amath ten yr series by 2day.. Plus a series of upcoming emotional tests.. Oh well, I suppose i've said enough. Okay anyways, i am lookin forward to next week as cca will be resumed. So, that's about it, Goodbye all(;
Again, forgive mi if i sounded a little emo; Cheer mi up :/
Labels: The last act of tender* love I can give you is (my hands) letting go..
-Wednesday, July 15, 2009 ' 4:16 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
最近很忙, 参加了特选中学研讨会,在南洋女中。
P/s: 最后的疼爱是手放开.
Labels: 我们都是”丑小鸭“...
-Saturday, July 11, 2009 ' 4:39 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
不管昨天, 你对我说过了什么, 今天的我, 还是依然依然的沉默.
两个人生气着, 看着谁先舍不得.
请你别这样, 来试探我们的缘分.
不管昨天, 我对你说过了什么, 今天的你, 还是依然依然的自我.
问这要到什么时候, 才会觉得无法忍受?
难道这样, 才能证明爱得有多深..? Labels: 不冷,也不热..
-Friday, July 10, 2009 ' 4:47 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
-愿望.希望.失望.绝望-Labels: 多情的我..
-Wednesday, July 08, 2009 ' 4:26 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
今天, 朋友们都在考口试, 所以我独自一人做巴士回家. 我望着窗外, 看着来来往往的车辆, 人, 仿佛这个世界不一样了. 或许, 只是因为我的心境不一样罢了. 一路上, 看着人越来越少, 车辆越来越稀疏.. 这么简单的场景, 总能给我回忆出无数个记忆. 同一样的情景, 但总会勾出不同种的思念. 有时. 我很害怕回忆起某一个情景, 某一个寂寞, 甚至某一首歌曲.. 我知道, 我也明白, 只是, 偶尔还是会想念. 虽然只是一场游戏, 依旧很感人. 我常对我自己说:“不准留恋着不该留恋的人; 可以玩闹, 不可以动情.” 看着别人精彩的世界, 想起我想要拥有的一切. 曾经的梦想, 似乎不曾来过.. 虽然今天我在学校里忙了一天, 但带给我的不是疲惫, 而是感伤和失落.. 嗨, 什么都不去想了, 我相信好好睡一觉, 醒来后, 就没事了. 当我在空荡荡的巴士上睡着时, 我隐约听见有个人轻声对我说了这句话: "美好总是虚幻的.."Labels: 真实的我,为什么这么容易就会喜欢上一个人?
-Friday, July 03, 2009 ' 6:34 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
能冲刷一切的除了眼泪, 就是时间; 以时间来推移感情, 时间越长, 冲突就越淡, 想念也越淡, 仿佛不断稀释的茶..
所以我, 记住该记住的, 忘记该忘记的; 改变能改变的, 接受不能改变的..
Labels: 我真的累了,对不起,真的对不起..
-Thursday, July 02, 2009 ' 4:43 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
人为什么会对别人失望?或问,别人为什么会对我失望?可以说是误解,但有时更因为是了解。“因误解而结合,因了解而分开”,人和人之间的聚散,总是一方故意一方无意,在无意和故意之间,就像天空里飘走的两片云,他们或许还会相遇,但心境早已不同..人和人的聚散,像天上的云,像水中的浮萍,时而聚合,时而分离。聚聚合合,是天地间的神秘。绝大多数人都知道个人是很渺小的,命运无法由自己操纵,遂而听天由命,于是一切随缘..Labels: 自从认识你..
-Tuesday, June 16, 2009 ' 10:46 AM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
Labels: 生命中终将会错过一些人,我们应该感谢那些错过的人,因为他们让我们明白了幸福的珍贵..
-Wednesday, June 03, 2009 ' 4:11 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
Flag Day was fun?
Seriously, I’m really tired.
Mentally, Physically, Spiritually, Emotionally. I sound so, screwed up eh?
I’m felt a mixture of melancholy, distress and loss as I walked home today. Don't exactly know what's the reason.
But anyways. Flag Day was an experience i guess. At Orchard Road, although it's congested with busy people, it's hard to ask them for donation. One sentence which i have said very often is, " Hey! Hi..Er..Would yu like to make some donations for the Children Society?" Oh my. It's sometimes quite lucky for me and Perry as there came one gentleman wif his gf, and give us 2 $10 dollar notes each. Yea? But mostly, 92% of them will just walked away, pretending yu are not there. Get pissed off with this. What i had learned is that "伟人就在我们身边". I suppose so? Lol. We just standing there like a scarecrew and, some real kind people would come and insert notes or coin into the bag. ($40 at the end i think) Afterall, we'll get 6 CIP hours. Isn't this worthwell? Lol.
So well. that’s about it. I shall cheer myself up.
Labels: Wake up Gaopeng.
-Friday, May 29, 2009 ' 1:10 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
在炎热的夏季,茂密粗壮的梧桐树下的林荫小道,有一个背着硕大背包,穿着休闲装的女生。她独自一人在大街上游走,听着MP3,面无表情的环顾着四周的事物。但从她眼中透出的目光却是坚定的。仿佛下了很大决心似的。最终,消失在巷口的拐角..Labels: 恍惚之前,恍然之后..
-Thursday, May 28, 2009 ' 5:04 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
Gaopeng 要祝大家端午节快乐!
Labels: 人为什么会寂寞呢..
-Thursday, May 21, 2009 ' 8:47 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
Alright. So far so bad for Myes. Chem only c6, it's like at borderline between fail and pass. Away from that, i think i have done averagely well for others. Phy a2, hcl a1(94.5 for P2), both maths a1, b3 for both history and pure geog. But d for english.Oh well, in anyway, these results were really bad for me. It made me wondering where is the motivation for studying so hard, and yet, the results are not satisfied. I really need to revise hard for chem. I really need to improve english.
Okay anyways, it’s about time I end here, forgive me if i sounded a little emo. Labels: 无数次的擦身而过,我装作不经意..
-Thursday, May 07, 2009 ' 2:48 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
The Mid Year papers are over, quite *awhile* from now. So far, i think mostly i have done quite well. But I’ve been rather moodless to post. To think I’m still busy, that’s life i guess. You can never finish doing everything.
Sometimes if one could just stop thinking on everything for just a sec, how nice would that be?
I think, this is one of my most hardworking week ever in my life, like seriously. LOL. Okay, maybe I’m just tired physically. Plus a series of emotional exam papers.
Arr. I need to grow up. Like now. Think sensibly and act that way too.
I suppose I’ve said enough. I need to go enjoy what’s left of my sleep. Goodbye.Labels: Like a rollercoaster,it goes up,down..
-Saturday, April 18, 2009 ' 9:50 AM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love

-Sport Day2009 Class Photo. :D
Hey, friends: When you are stressed out, the last thing you have to do is to be thankful.
Like me, weak from sleep deprivation and sadness, suddenly, life seemed really pointless. What saved me was the realisation that i still had people and tings i loved.
Now, when i feel like i'm drowning in stress, take a deep breath and try to be thankful for all i have.
p/s: Do i still have the chance?Labels: 我发誓,我再也不会随便发誓了..
-Friday, March 13, 2009 ' 4:20 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
AH. Today. Last day of term one.
Seriously, I’m really tired.
Mentally, Physically, Emotionally.
Sometimes if one could just stop thinking of everything for just one sec, how nice would it be? 
Distress from my spoiled phone.
Okay. I’m probably the oldest few in Seconday 3, yet I sure I’m the most immature few, breaking down and letting my mood and desire overwhelm me. I still need to grow up. Like now. Think sensibly and act in the way too.
Alright. About the Common Test. 4As, 3Bs, 1C and 1D. I should be ashamed. Accompanied by the lack of sleep, causing exhaustion and mentally sickness. I become emo. Okay, I am start to sound weird.
So, that’s about it.
I shall cheer myself up. A good source of laughter is? Yeah.
GuZheng Practices on Mon, Tues, Wednes, Thurs and even plus two more Saturdays. Well, Let's all work hard for SYF Central Judging. G-W-H. Really. Tired. For everything.
Labels: 追求幸福的勇气,我一点也没有.
-Wednesday, March 04, 2009 ' 2:35 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
Today. Was seriously a tired and hot day(standing and playing just right under the scorching hot sun)- the Annual Road Run at West Coast Park. Walk walk walk, jog jog jog. Ya, like this, i finished the whole long "journey". There, the pond is so large, run one round around it is like very boring and tedious. Oh, well, the scenery there was not very bad after all, there's trees, fresh oxygen, and even can hear the birds cheering! Hahah.
Borrow likai's PE shorts, since i left both of mine in the locker and forgot to take back home yesterday.
Okay. After the run, and the mass game, how I wish, my bed was there. So i could sleep at there and live there. Uh, andand our Class Tee! Many people commented that our's is "cool" in some ways. Oh my, the symbol of Adidas was put just right infront of our Tee. Nice?
Tahtah. Our class lost in the Mass Game. Anyway, we are really Awesome. After that, our whole Class went to the seaside, to took some memorable photos. Dammit, jx accidentally "polluted" the sea by dropping a water bottle into it. Luckily, our teachers are really nice and never make him in trouble. hahah
Then, we chat, play, fool around, laugh, chat, play, fool around, laugh, and on and on...I guess that’s enough.
Okay anyways, I am looking forward to the next year's Road Run and Mass Game Day! Because we can have an exciting soccer match at there. Hopefully, i can join in and play by then!
I think i saw many people from GZ along the way to the bus stop, and for the first time, she says "hello" , to me, today. I think so. and whatsoever I suppose so.
So well, that’s about it. Byebye.
Labels: De-Emolification.
-Monday, March 02, 2009 ' 4:27 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
愿我们的友谊如这根一样生生不息.. Labels: 不属于自己的,常常心存欲望..
-Friday, February 20, 2009 ' 4:53 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
二月即将过去。留下这首My Soul,淡淡的快乐,淡淡的伤感,旋律响起发现自己还在努力着,梦想着,这种感觉已经足够,即便是淡淡的伤感。说不清这是一种什么样的感觉,只记得那时二月,我们一起张狂,一起悲伤,一起欢笑,一起怅惘,或有悲伤,或有欢娱,简单的节拍一而再的重复,是延续? 还是远去?
Labels: 遗失的美好......
-Thursday, February 19, 2009 ' 4:16 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
p/s 每当看到身边的人变了,心里便会很难过,好像失去了什么一样。
p/s 现在才知道,原来友情也是上天注定的...
Labels: 不冷,也不热...
-Friday, February 13, 2009 ' 4:16 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
所以我常常学着安慰自己: 其实我是幸福的,只是我的幸福暂时隐身了,迟到了.......而已
幸福永久.....Labels: 心中有爱,不会孤单...
-Thursday, February 05, 2009 ' 4:51 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
I shall continue with it 2moro.
Labels: 天长地久有多久?
-Friday, January 23, 2009 ' 1:15 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
也许..也许,不是也许,是真的,我忘了她了. 有时候学会忘记是一件很开心的事!也是时候该反思一下了...
原来, 有许多许多原来我都不懂……
p/s: 伤人最深的不是爱情,而是回忆.
落花有意随流水,流水无情恋落花.深秋落叶,落日黄昏,拉长的身影落寞却很惬意......Labels: 我真的忘记了,真的真的...感觉还不错...
-Thursday, January 15, 2009 ' 4:31 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
长大了...... p/s: i think again before i say hi to you, because i thought we aren't friends anymore. ):how can i still have the courage to face everyone.do i even have the rights to say we are friends.i still can't get over the fact that i am such a ******. ):
还有一些些感觉..每当看到你..but it will not be long..
Labels: Still friends?
-Saturday, January 10, 2009 ' 2:09 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
Show Your one lame poem :P" E likes D,
But D likes L,
So E changes to H,
But H likes J,
So E again changes to T,
T also likes E.
But they 要专心读书所以不要在一起 ! "
Lame anots ?! Please say YES , cos' th poem is so NOT TRUE (: Ha-ha-ha.
Labels: Time will show you i like you...
-Friday, December 26, 2008 ' 8:03 AM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love

----Perhaps some days it will be pleasant to look back on these things----
Labels: If dreams do really come true...
-Sunday, December 21, 2008 ' 7:20 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
Hahaha, it's me! LOL, isnt Yeti cute?? -. -"Labels: 原来我还在乎...
-Friday, December 19, 2008 ' 4:26 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love

This is me wif spectacles...zzz...
HI, mum will be go back China this sundae, and she will bring my grandmum here when back. Santa, Reindeer, Children and Presents >.<" Labels: 安静了...
- ' 2:39 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
Yesterdae phoned my mum who at china..erm, quite miss her D: hee >.<" 下雪了!?yea, she said that snowfall was very heavy, very coldx:
This holiday 闲散、太单调、无乐趣,也静不下心来看书,原本对书本的寄托现在转移到了网络,或许在这只有在网上精神上才能得到一点点的解脱. 变得很懒散,整天无精打采,这样下去精神和身体一样渐渐懈怠,等于浪费时间、浪费生命,这些道理我都懂,但我不知道我自己怎么了,以前那个自信、上进的我而今变成了一个完全不一样的我,现在的我消极、懒惰、对生活不再有向往. 别人看不懂,不要问我,我自己也不懂了...Labels: 喜欢,very simple...
-Wednesday, December 17, 2008 ' 9:57 AM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN -o-"^^^^^^^^A nice music video...^^^^^^^^
Labels: 如果爱情是五线谱,我只希望用全音符,吟唱出爱上你,那完整的幸福...
-Thursday, December 04, 2008 ' 1:31 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love

Hello! Christmas is coming soon, time passes away really fast, still remember past few Christmas, some quite fun but not all. Those times in China, there were snowfalls at this times, i really miss those things which i played with snow with all my buddies, although its very very cold, but we all enjoy it very much. For example, we made snowballs, some big some small, depends on how long u rolls your snowball on the snow, then we throw it at each other, exciting, unforgettable. If i got time, i would call up some peers to make a snowman, which just in front of my house door. Despite that we all wearing gloves, its still very cold, sometimes my fingers and foots all freezing, so i put my hands and foots above the fire for awhile to gain warmth. And when there was a heave snowfall the night before school, aha, i can go to school by roll on the snow(ice) all the way :) How fun was it, no one can tell, all the feelings had buried in my mind..Anw, whenever i thought of Christmas, i always will think of snows, why? i also dont know :/ And there will be lines of my jiao3 yin4(foot prints) behind my walking paths.
你发如雪, 凄美了离别
邀明月, 让回忆皎洁
你发如雪, 纷飞了眼泪
I Love Snow 我爱雪...Cant xpress out my si1nian4...Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Jingle Bell~~
雪静静的从天上落下, 荡荡着, 它们连成一片, 飞舞着, 宛如一道长线......
I wanna plsy with Snow!!!
Labels: 委婉是一道善意的门缝.
-Thursday, November 27, 2008 ' 4:01 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love

SHOW Luozhixiang O: I am no mood to post 2day :/ Tag more -___-" haha.Labels: 爱已经留下缺口,剩下沉默.
-Sunday, November 23, 2008 ' 10:46 AM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
JW AND EL: All the best for your Guzheng exams O: JyJy !Open house was like damm sux >.< rox! Anw, still got 1 month holidae to go, i need to study.. =(
Anw, i chiong my pirate to level 44 leh ! Cheer !
Labels: 我用我的幽默,掩饰我的沉默.
-Friday, November 21, 2008 ' 4:08 PM♥
十七岁的雨季-♥-The Forbidden Love
Labels: 陪你走过五彩斑烂的世界.